Environmental, Social & Governance Values

Environmental Values

  • Minimize the impact of every activity and supply chain and focus on reducing carbon emissions – towards Net Zero.
  • Prioritize investment opportunities that can add long-term value in a climateresilient way.
  • Product and services which increase the environmental quality and reducing climate change impact.

Social Values

  • Support the physical, mental and welfare of staff and also implement the gender equality measures.
  • Encourage sustainable professional learning and development in all aspects of the business.
  • Provide social impact to the Indonesian people through the Corporate Social Responsibility program.

Governance Values

  • Continues to conduct business in a participatory, consensus-oriented, accountable, transparent, responsive, efficient, fair, and inclusive manner.
  • Communicate policies and strategies clearly to our supply chain.
  • Create appropriate levels of monitoring and disclosure to show a robust approach.
ESG Values

Building Better Communities

The Company has helped provide clean energy access through sustainable off-grid solar energy for public facilities such as schools, mosques, and clinics in rural Indonesia.

Our contribution:

  • KAT Birang
  • Puskesmas Karataun
  • Muara Seberang

Muara Seberang Village, Tanjung Jabung Barat, Jambi.

The Company provided solar energy for 7 public facilities; a community health center, school, village head’s office, and mosque that benefited more than 1,000 people, sustainably improving their quality of life, and was inaugurated in 2021.

Holy Lake Batur, Kintamani, Bali.

The Company’s CSR program enables access to clean and potable water from the Holy Lake Batur to 48 temples located in villages in Kintamani, Bali. Going forward, they can get refillable water for free. In addition, the Company has also provided technical training to 53 members of the Batur UNESCO Global Geopark Youth Forum on BWRO and the role of youth in sustainable development, particularly solar power.

Human & Labor Rights

  1. Support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights
    ● Covid-19: Ensuring the Safety and Welfare of Employees
    ● The Company Supports and Respects the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    ● Employee Appreciation Awards
    ● Company Benefits
    ● Hiring, Training & Development
    ● Anti-Discrimination / Harassment Policy
    ● Accident Prevention
  2. Uphold freedom of association and effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.
  3. Abolition of all forms of forced and compulsory labor Overtime policy
  4. Effective abolition of child labor
  5. Elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

Emissions & Waste Management

In line with the nature of solar panel installations which are renewable energy, the Company’s solar panel installations do not produce significant emissions, waste or effluents.

Almost all of the Company’s installation project sites are located in manufacturing industry locations which have environmental impact analysis studies, the Company has no exposure to biodiversity from flora and fauna in the surrounding environment.

The Company’s waste comes from office operations, such as paper and stationery. The amount of waste is relatively small.

Responsibility, Innovation & Product Development

Innovation and development are essential in increasing the efficiency of operational activities and improving processes to reduce economic losses. EMI continues to explore new environmentally friendly power generation technologies. By maximizing expertise; knowledge; and technolgy, the company continues to drive business innovation and development. In addition, the company actively provides internal learning to ensure the readiness and improvement of internal human resources.

EMI continues to conduct research and explore new possibilities in new and life-changing renewable energy, such as advances in solar power, new hydrogen technology, integration of various renewable energy sources. This consistent approach is undertaken to ensure wider distribution of electricity from renewable energy sources to Indonesian communities and provide support for sustainable development. EMI also continues to support community empowerment towards renewable energy development.

Embracing the future of energy with us.

By harnessing the power of renewable energy and integrating it into our business model, we aim to be a driving force for positive change in the energy industry...